The “Centennial group” is a broad partnership of key people and representatives from the leading organizations in Israel, of all sectors among them: government representatives, local authorities, the business sector, the social sector, philanthropists, academics from various disciplines, media professionals, planning bodies, and more, who joined together to help promote government commitment to long-term social-spatial planning of the country, based on the optimal deployment of the Israeli population in the Negev and the Galilee, approaching the centennial year of the country.
The Centennial Group – Guiding principles
- Equality, prosperity and socio-economic resilience for all citizens of the State of Israel, in all areas and in all fields
- Connection, openness and unity between all populations in the country, in light of a shared vision
The Centennial Group – Members of the forum
- Key people with performance capacity and professional influence at the highest level
- Intellectuals with a conceptual, fundamental and practical connection to the vision, who will contribute to its promotion
- Professionals who will take an active role in promoting the initiative: formulating action plans, developing projects, conducting periodic meetings, promoting initiatives, active participation in think-tanks, and more
The Centennial Group – Activities in the framework of the partnership
- Setting principles for planning the new centers in the Negev and the Galilee and developing the future map of Israel
- Creating a new national narrative for the Negev and the Galilee to promote high quality of life for all citizens of Israel
- Promoting immediate initiatives in the Negev and the Galilee, which look to the future, and will affect the creation of the new national centers
- Formulating the action plans to promote the vision and the significant fundamental harnessing of the various systems
- Multi-disciplinary, multicultural, multi-sectorial and non-political activities
- Creating consensus and providing a broad public support for the process, while harnessing the residents and the public to take an active role
The group is open to any member who identifies with the values and the vision of the initiative, who has the knowledge, ability, and desire to influence, from all parts of the Israeli society and at all times.